Visualization functionalitiesUpdated 3 months ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-visualization.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Visualization of clinical dataUpdated 3 months ago

Laure Cougnaud, Michela Pasetto

Rendered from clinDataReview-dataVisualization.Rmd in clinDataReview 1.6.1.
a4vignetteUpdated 7 months ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from a4vignette.Rnw in a4 1.53.0.
Vignette of the esetVis packageUpdated 8 months ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from esetVis-vignette.Rmd in esetVis 1.31.0.
Creation of a clinical data review reportUpdated 2 years ago

Laure Cougnaud, Michela Pasetto

Rendered from clinDataReview-reporting.Rmd in clinDataReview 1.6.1.
Pre-processing of clinical data for clinical data review reportUpdated 2 years ago

Laure Cougnaud, Michela Pasetto

Rendered from clinDataReview-dataPreprocessing.Rmd in clinDataReview 1.6.1.
Advanced user in-text tablesUpdated 2 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-advanced.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Creation of in-text tablesUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-createTables.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Introduction to the patientProfilesVis packageUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from patientProfilesVis-introduction.Rmd in patientProfilesVis 2.0.9.
Template to create patient profiles for SDTM datasetsUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from patientProfiles-template-SDTM.Rmd in patientProfilesVis 2.0.9.
AestheticsUpdated 3 years ago

Michela Pasetto and Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-aesthetics.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Creation of standard in-text tables with the inTextSummaryTable packageUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-standardTables.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Exporting in-text tablesUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-exportTables.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Introduction to the inTextSummaryTable packageUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from inTextSummaryTable-introduction.Rmd in inTextSummaryTable 3.3.3.
Introduction to the clinUtils packageUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud and Michela Pasetto

Rendered from clinUtils-vignette.Rmd in clinUtils 0.2.0.
Vignette of the a4Classif packageUpdated 3 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from a4Classif-vignette.Rmd in a4Classif 1.53.0.
Vignette of the a4Preproc packageUpdated 4 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from a4Preproc-vignette.Rmd in a4Preproc 1.53.0.
Vignette of the a4Reporting packageUpdated 4 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from a4reporting-vignette.Rmd in a4Reporting 1.53.0.
Vignette of the a4Core packageUpdated 4 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from a4Core-vignette.Rmd in a4Core 1.53.0.
nlcvUpdated 7 years ago

Laure Cougnaud

Rendered from nlcv.Rnw in nlcv 0.3.5.