1. a4Base::nlcvTT
    Data to Demonstrate nlcv and Co Functions
  2. clinUtils::colorPaletteNRIND
    Color palette for a standard CDISC Normal/Reference Range Indicator.
  3. clinUtils::dataADaMCDISCP01
    Example of ADaM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01 study
  4. clinUtils::dataSDTMCDISCP01
    Example of SDTM datasets from the CDISC original Pilot 01 study
  5. clinUtils::shapePaletteNRIND
    Shape palette for a standard CDISC Normal/Reference Range Indicator.
  6. nlcv::nlcvRF_R
    nlcv results on random data with random forest feature selection
  7. nlcv::nlcvRF_SHS
    nlcv results on strong hetero signal data with random forest feature selection
  8. nlcv::nlcvRF_SS
    nlcv results on strong signal data a with random forest feature selection
  9. nlcv::nlcvRF_WHS
    nlcv results on weak signal data with random forest feature selection
  10. nlcv::nlcvRF_WS
    nlcv results on weak hetero signal data with random forest feature selection
  11. nlcv::nlcvTT_R
    nlcv results on random data with t-test feature selection
  12. nlcv::nlcvTT_SHS
    nlcv results on strong hetero signal data with t-test feature selection
  13. nlcv::nlcvTT_SS
    nlcv results on strong signal data a with t-test feature selection
  14. nlcv::nlcvTT_WHS
    nlcv results on weak signal data with t-test feature selection
  15. nlcv::nlcvTT_WS
    nlcv results on weak hetero signal data with t-test feature selection